Jewish Child and Family Older Adult Services (OAS) is here to support, empower and advocate for you!
Jewish Child and Family Older Adult Services (OAS) offers specialized services to the Jewish elderly. They are designed to support, empower and advocate for older adults so they may continue to live independently in the community at an optimal level of psychological, social and physical functioning.
Every senior is unique and requires different services to enable them to continue to live a meaningful life out in the community. When an older person or their loved ones feel that they need some help to continue to function independently, a JCFS social worker meets with them to assess what services are required to empower and support them. Seniors can choose to involve their spouse and/or adult children in this process.
After meeting with the older adult to assess their needs, the JCFS social worker, in collaboration with the client and family, will develop an individual case plan. The worker will continue to provide support on an ongoing basis to ensure the goals are being met and appropriate supports are in place.
Click here to download the Older Adult Services brochure (PDF).
Click here to get more information on elder abuse.
Individual Counselling:
JCFS provides on-site or at-home supportive counselling sessions to older adults to help them cope with issues such as grief and loss, illness, marital stresses, intergenerational conflict, emotional and physical aspects of aging, and the challenges of caregiving.
Information and Referral:
JCFS provides information and referrals regarding other community Older Adult Services such as Home Care, Meals on Wheels, housing and recreational activities.
JCFS social workers advocate on behalf of older adults to ensure they receive the services that they are entitled to.
Volunteer Services:
JCFS provides additional support for isolated and confined seniors through community volunteers who serve as friendly visitors and grocery shoppers. JCFS in partnership with Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre provides transportation to and from medical appointments at a nominal fee.
Support Groups:
Seniors can benefit from the understanding and support of others challenged by similar circumstances. Older Adult Support groups are run periodically and deal with such topics as grief and loss, living with cognitive impairment, women’s empowerment, and supporting care givers.
JCFS OAS social workers have specialized training in the field of gerontology, and are available for group presentations on topics related to aging.
Technology for Seniors:
JCFS has various programs available to connect isolated seniors.
Support Services for Holocaust Survivors:
JCFS offers specialized individual, group and community services for Holocaust survivors. Assistance with reparation claims are also available.
View our 2021 Yom HaShoah presentation here.
Newcomer Seniors Integration Services:
Integration Services for senior newcomers include specialized programs to facilitate adjustment to life in Canada, and to encourage independence through social activities, interest groups, learning opportunities and individualized supports as required.
Aging Mental Health
In conjunction with the Older Adult Services (OAS) team, JCFS Mental Health Support Services provide highly specialized, cross-program services to clients requiring unique supports to address mental health needs along with issues related to aging.