The Asper Helping Hand Initiative provides interest- free loans to allow people to help themselves. The interest-free loans are available to Jewish residents of Manitoba who are experiencing a temporary hardship for a variety of reasons and are in need of financial assistance.
Loans are available for:
*You are considered a first-time borrower if you or your spouse have not previously owned a home in Canada. A first home is a home you will occupy as your principal residence. Loan funds cannot be used as the down-payment on your home purchase. To be eligible, your new home purchase price must meet the program guidelines.
Eligibility: A borrower must be a Jewish resident of Manitoba who can demonstrate both a need for the loan and the ability to repay.
Guarantor: A borrower must be able to provide qualified guarantors. One guarantor is required for loans up to $5,000. All guarantors must be at least 21 years old, residents of Manitoba, have a steady source of income and a good credit rating and will be held fully liable for the loan in the event of non-payment.
For more information contact the Manager of The Asper Helping Hand Initiative at 204-478-8592.